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ATNI Elections FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions – ATNI Elections


Which positions are up for election in 2024?

There are 5 positions up for election. There are currently two vacancies on the Executive Board and the successful candidate will fill the rest of the term.  The full term is 3 years.

-        President (Full term)

-        1st Vice-President (1 year)

-        2nd Vice President (Full Term) 

-        3rd Vice President (1 year)

-        Assistant Secretary (Full Term)


What are the qualifications to hold office?

-        Persons who are elected President or Vice-President must be members of their respective Tribal governing bodies.

-        The Treasurer, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary need not be members of their Tribal governing bodies but shall have their sanction via Tribal Resolution

-        Each candidate’s tribe shall provide essential resources during the term of their office with ATNI such as time, finances, and technical support.  Additionally, those Tribal governing bodies are expected to pay the expenses of such officers attending meetings and conventions of this organization.


Who is allowed to vote in the election of ATNI Officers?

-        ATNI Member Tribes: Member Tribes must be in good standing (dues paid). Each member tribe shall be entitled to cast votes, through its official delegate(s), depending upon the total Tribal enrollment as established in the Bylaws. Proxy voting is not permitted.

-        Individual Indian Members: Individuals must be members in good standing (dues paid), an enrolled member of an Indian Tribe, and paid full conference registration fees shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote.


What are the required credentials for a Tribal delegate to vote?

-        Tribal Delegate and Alternate(s) are named in a Certified Resolution or signed letter from the Tribe. If no documentation is provided, then the Tribal Chair may serve as the delegate.


Do Tribal delegates vote tribal votes at the same time as the individual votes?

-         Yes, a Tribal delegate may vote tribal votes and vote Individually for themselves. Tribal votes are counted first and individual votes are counted second.


Do candidates need to declare their intention to run prior to the election?

-        No. However, candidates may campaign during the Convention. Candidates must be nominated from the floor by a member in good standing.


What is the nomination and election process?

-        Candidates are nominated from the floor. A nomination does not need to be seconded. Candidates must be present to accept the nomination.  All positions shall be elected by secret ballot. The candidate that receives the majority of votes shall win the election


Are nomination speeches allowed? Time limits?

-        Yes. Candidates will be allowed up to 5 minutes to accept a nomination.



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